Monday, May 5, 2008

Spread the word! Tip of the day to help save the earth!

This is an easy one - Spread the word about conservation!

Talk to friends, family, co-workers, and people you randomly meet! Any way you can, get people to think about the earth. There are more than 6,000,000,000 people on this earth, and every one of them needs to take care of it! Always look for environment-safe products and encourage others to do the same. From recycling to buying less packaging to planting trees to saving water to conserving energy, keep the environment in mind!

As always, please feel free to comment with questions, or anything to add!

Friday, May 2, 2008

How GREEN is your getaway?

Is it better to drive or fly? Is it better to drive if there's one person, or only if there's a group of people driving? How well do you understand carbon emissions of the different forms of transportation?

Green GetawayHow Greenquestion

CLICK HERE to take a quiz from the Sierra Club to find out! The results might surprise you...

As always, please feel free to comment with questions, or if you have anything to add!