Friday, April 25, 2008

Tip of the day to help save the earth!

Today's tip is obvious to some, and not so much to others.... But it's a simple one that can REALLY help!

Give up bottled water– for good. Drink from a glass at home, take your own reusable jug or bottle to the gym, and encourage your office to get a water filter or a water service. Americans throw out over 40 million plastic bottles each year and over 80% end up in landfills. If everyone on your block stopped using bottled water you could probably cut out 5000 bottles each year. Look for drinking fountains!!!! One last note on this subject, keep a Brita Water filter pitcher in your fridge! Your water will always be ice cold and eco-friendly!

Brita Image

As always, feel free to comment with any other questions, or anything to add!

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