Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's a GREEN Ski World!

Our ski resorts here in Utah are doing their part to reduce the carbon footprint! Last year, Park City Mountain Resort commissioned a study prepared by researchers and scientists out of Boulder, CO, that looked at the impacts that climate change will have on the area, and it's surrounding community in 25, 50, and 75 years. There were presentations all over, called "save our snow" which highlighted the results. If nothing is done and business continues as usual, the snowline in Park City will start at 9500 feet in the year 2075!!! When you consider the highest elevation at PCMR, Jupiter Peak is 10,000 feet, it leaves only 500 feet of snow cover - not exactly the greatest snow on earth!! Utah ski areas aren't taking the news lightly - The following article is GREAT, and shows what all of the resorts here in Utah are doing.

I found this article in Sports Guide Magazine - CLICK HERE to download article in PDF, and view a larger version of it! Definitely worth a read!

Resort Report

Resort Report 2

As always, feel free to comment with questions, or if you have anything to add!

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