The media is screaming "recession, recession" and people are FREAKING out. Everyone seems to be under the impression that the market is "TANKING".
Yes, it's true that in some previously over-inflated markets, prices are down, and the market is coming back to reasonable. But here in Utah, prices are holding steady, and in fact, we are slightly UP on the year-to-year comparison! Yes, there is a lot for sale, and yes, the supposed "deals" are getting better, but people are NOT losing money now!
For Park City specifically, I just had a luncheon with RMRA statistics (Rocky Mountain Resort Alliance) and it seems that resort markets are much more steady through the "downs" in the market. Park City is still a GREAT value for a resort town! There is some real opportunity here, ESPECIALLY with the historic low interest rates! Park City, all in all, is still a killer deal!
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