Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dispose of hazardous waste PROPERLY! Tip of the day to help save the earth!

This one is pretty obvious, but still you see some people who just dump out old oil, antifreeze, etc without thinking about it's impact on the earth.

Nearly every household has some kind of hazardous waste: old paint cans, used motor oil, unused pesticides and weed killers. If you dump these things down the drain, you'll end up polluting the water supply. Old Batteries, CFL Light bulbs, and other hazardous solids should be considered as well. They should be disposed of in a site specially designed for hazardous or toxic wastes. Some cities and counties have monthly or annual pickups. Other areas have special drop-off sites. Call your city or county government to find out the proper way to dispose of such trash in your area. Try organizing a hazardous-waste-collection day in your neighborhood or at your school, encouraging others to dispose of materials properly.

As always, feel free to comment with questions, or if you have anything to add

Friday, June 6, 2008

Elect Green! Tip of the day to help save the earth!

During this heated election season, this is a great one, and it can REALLY make a difference, especially at the local level! During election campaigns, ask candidates about their position on the environment. Try to ask specific questions that relate to situations in your community-- whether they support a mandatory recycling program, for example, or whether they plan to get tough on polluting companies.

A little can go a long ways here, if you have a little time, work as a volunteer on a "green" candidate's campaign. As a volunteer, you can canvas neighborhoods in your local community, make phone calls, and help with fund-raisers! This is also a great opportunity to meet some like-minded individuals to network with, perhaps you will even get some business!

As always, feel free to comment with any questions or if you have anything to add!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Avoid fast food! Tip of the day to help save the earth!

Today's tip is a very easy one! SKIP the fast food joint! Most fast food is overpackaged and most fast-food companies are responsible for producing mountains of trash. By avoiding fast food whenever possible, you'll help reduce this needless waste, AND help reduce your waist line!! Fast food is often made with unhealthy preservatives, from meat laced with hormones and drugs of all kinds! Ditching fast food for good will improve your overall health in addition to the other benefits I have listed!

As always, Please feel free to comment with questions, or if you have anything else to add!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ditch Styrofoam! Tip of the day to help save the eath

This one is obvious to some people, and not so much to others! Did you know that a SINGLE polystyrene (styrofoam) cup conains ONE BILLION BILLION molecules of CFC's? That's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. Once a CFC atom reaches the ozone layer, it can take over 100 years before it breaks up and becomes harmless!

Think about this when you're buying picnic supplies, and especially when you're at the restaurant! Most "to go" containers are made out of styrofoam! Consider taking your own re-usable plastic tupperware container instead of the one that will end up in the land fill, and likely even the atmosphere!

As always, please feel free to comment with questions, or if you have anything to add!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Adopt! Tip of the day to help save the earth - June 2nd!

An animal, a stream, a whale, a highway, a child! There's almost no limit to the number of environmental causes to which you, your friends, or your family can turn.

If you're looking for a new pet, adopt one from the shelter, and give a chance to a pet that might otherwise not get one.

If you're looking for a community service project, adopt-a-highway litter control is a good one!

Adopting a child is an amazing way to add to your family WITHOUT addint additional impact to our earth!

As always, please feel free to comment if you have any questions, or anything to add!