Friday, June 6, 2008

Elect Green! Tip of the day to help save the earth!

During this heated election season, this is a great one, and it can REALLY make a difference, especially at the local level! During election campaigns, ask candidates about their position on the environment. Try to ask specific questions that relate to situations in your community-- whether they support a mandatory recycling program, for example, or whether they plan to get tough on polluting companies.

A little can go a long ways here, if you have a little time, work as a volunteer on a "green" candidate's campaign. As a volunteer, you can canvas neighborhoods in your local community, make phone calls, and help with fund-raisers! This is also a great opportunity to meet some like-minded individuals to network with, perhaps you will even get some business!

As always, feel free to comment with any questions or if you have anything to add!

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