Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Go Green this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving TurkeyHere are five ways you can lower your impact on the environment this thanksgiving!
1) Buy locally and regionally produced food! Most farmers markets will carry locally and organically grown sweet potatoes, carrots, home made jams, cheeses, breads, and much much more! If you're family tradition includes a turkey, look for an organic, free-range turkey. Yes, it does cost a few bucks more, but it's also much healthier!
2) Minimize your use of Plastics! Use re-usable leftover containers instead of disposable plastic wrap, and even tin foil wrap! Try to avoid using plastic plates, silverware, etc. Plastic never fully breaks down, so if you MUST use plastic, make sure it gets recycled.
3) Celebrate at home! Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel weekends of the whole year! Why not help to reduce global warming? Skip the stressful holiday travel, and celebrate an eco-friendly Thanksgiving at home. If you MUST travel, be conscious about the environment. Drive as little as possible, and take your most fuel efficient vehicle. Carpool whenever possible. If you're flying, consider purchasing carbon credits to help offset your portion of the carbon dioxide emissions.
4) Don't OVER Cook. While Thanksgiving leftovers are great, most people end up THROWING OUT over half of their leftovers Spend a few extra minutes planning, and try to cook only what you and your family will be able to eat.
5) Here's a great way to give back on Thanksgiving. Consider donating to a local charity or food bank, or give a donation to The United Way. Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for everything we have - why not help by giving back to those who need it most?
Please comment on my BLOG if you have any questions, or ideas I can share with others!

1 comment:

joyce said...

Hello! Nice post! :) It's so great that you're being a green advocate by offering these great tips to readers. I volunteer with Eat Well Guide, who have teamed up with the Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports, to issue a Local, Organic Thanksgiving Challenge. We're inviting people to take a spin on the Eat Well Guide to find local food and cook at least one local (preferably organic) dish for Thanksgiving, and share recipes at
the CU site. Read more about it at the Green Fork.

Happy Thanksgiving! :)